How to stay motivated this spring

Hello there!

Everyone makes mistakes, gives up, gets tired, busy and/or lazy. But here are some tips to keep you motivated and focused to (actually) stick with your goals.

Look for motivation everywhere
Read, watch and listen to motivational materials. The Internet is filled with positive, motivating materials. Read biographies of people you admire; look for movies with positive themes.  Avoid negativity, in whatever form (including human) it comes in. And you’ll influence the people around you in positive ways.

Take a sunshine break
While motivation can be synonymous with drive in some instances, for the purposes of this exercise, we’re considering them different. You’re not marking yourself on your ability to go flat out, 24/7, nor should that be your goal. It’s an uphill struggle to stay motivated if you’re burned out, overwhelmed and exhausted. 

Learn from your mistakes
You know yourself better than anyone. Have you tried to achieve this goal before? Why did you fail? Learn from your shortcomings and do better.

Try new things
Don’t do the same thing every day, especially when it comes to fitness. No matter how much you love your routine, switching things up is not only good for your body but also your mind. It keeps things interesting! Even if you hated the new thing you tried, at least you'll be happy to go back to your usual.

Surround yourself with like-minded people.
Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated or stay positive. Find someone, or a group of people with similar goals and be each other’s motivation.

Remember the what and why
If you haven’t set goals now’s the time to do so. Create a list of long-term, big-picture goals and then break them down into steps. Make them realistic and attainable. Print a calendar or hard copy so you have a tactile, visual reminder of where you’re headed and how far you’ve come. Then check off each step along the way on a regular basis. When your motivation lags, pull out your chart and remind yourself of how far you’ve come.


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