Delicious Homemade Mince Pie Recipe

Hello there!

If you’ve never experienced homemade mincemeat pie (or mince pie) you don’t know what you’re missing!  Leave the store-bought mince pies on the shelf and get ready to fall in love – nothing compares to homemade! Most people have either a love or hate relationship with mince pies.  For some, Christmas just isn’t the same without them while for others the mince pie is the brunt of endless jokes.  For my part, if my opinion were limited to store-bought mince pies I would pass in a heartbeat with a courteous “no thank you”.

Mince pies, originally called “Christmas pies, “crib cakes” or “shred pies”, can be traced back to the 13th century to the time of the Crusaders where they were fashioned as symbols of Christ’s birth.  Featuring cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg in token of the gifts of the three Magi, mince pies were originally larger and shaped into ovals to represent the manger.  Often a pastry was made that was shaped in the form of the infant Jesus and was placed on top of the pie.  The mince pie would then be eaten in celebration of the birth of Christ.

One tradition says that if you eat a mince pie each day over the twelve days of Christmas it will bring you good luck in the new year!  Another tradition says that the first mince pie of the season holds special powers, so be sure to make a wish with the first mince pie you eat!

Find the recipe here!


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